The properties of concord grape

Selecting the best fruit, naturally pulpy and tasty, is one of the secrets of incredibly delicious and healthy gelato flavours. RivaReno knows it: therefore, in the daily fresh gelato laboratory you will find only local products. The concord grape, with its unique scent of wood, is a glaring example. Rich in properties, the concord grape is in fact a cure-all, as it brings many beneficial effects to the body; this is possible thanks to the presence of phenols and flavonoids, able to perform multiple actions, from anti-cancer to antioxidant, just to name a couple of them.

The Rasveratrol: a natural supplement

Among the benefic agents present in concord grape there is a type of phenol, the rasveratrol, which is a real natural supplement, full of virtues that have nothing to envy to those of many medicines purchased at pharmacies. Recent studies have shown that the rasveratrol is able to bind to the estrogen receptor, resulting in a consequent anti-inflammatory effect.

An excellent source of rasveratrol is the concord grape, as well as red grapes, which also has the merit of facilitate weight loss through the transformation from white fat, the result of the accumulation of excess calories, in beige fat, which just like a self-fuel burns calories giving off heat.

The cultivation of concord grape, immune to diseases and pests

The period between mid-September and mid-October is perfect for the cultivation of concord grape, which has the advantage of being immune to any kind of disease and parasites, to the point of being able to be “hosted” in your own yard, since it does not need any phytosanitary treatments.

Law regulates the cultivation of this strawberry-scented fruit, in order to hinder the abusive trade of the wine that could be produced.

Recipes based on concord grape

The recipes based on concord grape are many and delicious, ranging from sweet to savory.

With this natural delight, it is possible to create an excellent jam with a pleasantly pungent sweetness for breakfast, but you can also create fantastic first courses: the risotto is the master, whose decisive flavour is balanced by the creaming with butter and Parmesan.

And how could we not mention a tasty snack or an unforgettable dessert made of RivaReno concord grape gelato? Produced with the fragrant nectar of the fruit, squeezed by the master craftsmen of RivaReno, it is a real explosion of nourishment and gluttony!